An Old Friend, Rediscovered

Remember this one? It was my go-to scent from about 1979 thru 1986, and if you weren't wearing Polo you were probably Halston. I hadn't thought about it in years but rediscovered it after taking a detour down an internet rabbit hole while trying to remember the name of the Pierre Cardin cologne (the one in the phallic bottle) I wore prior to 1979.

I found it on Amazon of all places. Turns out they never stopped making it, but I haven't seen it in at a fragrance counter in years. (Of course, I haven't been to a fragrance counter since the 2000s, so maybe that has something to do with it.)

Even though they've altered the formula a bit since the 80s (current regulations apparently forbid the use of real oakmoss), it still smells just as amazing as I remember it.

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