2 Replies to “Fuck Off, Martha”

  1. Back when Martha had her Saturday morning TV show we had a Martha Stewart Breakfast Club. One of the group would host and we would eat while watching and mocking Martha's ridiculous and pretentious way of doing everything. Such fun, innocent times.

  2. Well well… No wonder many baby-boomers are so dumb, having had this kind of obnoxious and la-di-dah lady as role model.
    I would invite her at my place on a day like today that I spent rescuing people – remotely obviously, as I am not ubiquitous and cannot be in Paris for a towing service AND in Athens setting up a hotel reservation 10 minutes later, while simultaneously answering a call for help from a colleague on Teams.
    It seems she belongs to those people who long reached their threshold of incompetence yet still wanna have a say in matters they do not even begin to understand…
    Oh and by the way, Ms Stewart: reflect on why you are no longer on TV. Youtube, blogs, social networks… all places where people from all over the world are posting how-to deal with fantastic recipes. To put it short: you had your time, now leave the mic alone :-))

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