Something Wicked This Way Comes

Oh god, I hope so!

I'm not sure how to proceed with this post—much less gather my thoughts into any kind of coherent narrative. Suffice to say that if you're reading this I did manage to pull something together that isn't utter crap. And if not…well, you'll never know will you?

So…am I the only one? Am I the only one who,  for the past few months has  been feeling a sense of—for lack of a better word, dread? It feels like a storm is gathering on the horizon that promises to lay waste to everything we've come to hold near and dear; to alter what is perceived as reality itself.

Perhaps it stems from the constant onslaught of Trump-related news, too many late-night journeys down the dark corridors of YouTube and the general sense of malaise that started engulfing the nation with the arrival of COVID. It seems people are sick of being screwed over by corporations and a seemingly intractable Congress hell-bent on sending the country careening back to the 1950s and fulfilling the dark fantasies of the worst members of our society instead of actually representing the will of the people who put them in power and, you know, actually moving the country forward.

Then there are the obviously corrupt members of the Supreme Court, the are-they or are-they-not real revelations from the US military about UAPs/UFOs and just the constant firehose of bullshit we're being force fed on a daily basis from the media.

It short, it seems like the rug is being pulled out from under us and a huge change is heading our way. So what is it? The unfettered rise of a Fourth Reich? DIsclosure that aliens walk among us and have been abducting humans and performing expeiments on them for at least the last 80 years with the government's blessing in exchange for technology? The infamous "Fourth Turning"? The rise of Artificial Intelligence and humanity's corresponding retreat into virtual reality?

Or is it just that I'm getting old and can't keep up with the pace of change going on around us any more like I was able to 40 years ago.

What say you?

2 Replies to “Something Wicked This Way Comes”

  1. I feel the same dread. It's either a world war or a civil war. Either way, it won't be pretty.

  2. Humans. So many humans. It's an invasive species. But all is for naught. THE Asteroid will incinerate the earth. Perhaps a bacterium or an insect will survive. Perhaps the earth will just blow into smitherines. The end.

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