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  1. IF "an offense" is doing something "wrong", then "being offended" means somebody did something wrong, too? So whom will determine if actions or deeds are "wrong"? Does "the state" get mad at you for driving too fast on the Interstate? Does "the state" get mad at you for driving far too fast on a country dirt road, but if you crash, it's on you? Both show poor judgment.

    I stopped being offended by the majority of others' actions and deeds long ago. I know the truth about me, so if they just discovered it, it's on THEM for not noticing earlier.

    It seems that "being offended" means I don't like what somebody else did, but does that mean I have the right and privilege to shoot and kill them for their actions? Or pass laws against similar things? Obviously, some think they can do this, no matter who else it might harm . . . which makes them "God" to issue judgments and such. Rather than "Live and Let Live". Letting "God", "Karma", and/or "The Cosmos" do their things.

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