Job Update

Still nothing, but I'm not worried. At least not yet.

I had a good interview about a week and a half ago. It wasn't one of those magic, gives-you-chills, kismet interviews, but it was good. And yet, there was something that felt off.

I guess the interviewer must've felt it too, because I got word late last week that, "the client is moving forward with a couple other candidates."

Oh well.

I was a perfect fit for what they were looking for, but apparently not perfect enough. And the kicker? I got a call from a different recruiter yesterday describing a job I'd be a perfect fit for and was ready to submit me…until it was revealed it was the exact same fucking position. Seriously?

That was followed up later in the afternoon by an emergency email from a different agency looking to hire about a half dozen techs for a post-PC rollout cleanup project for the next five days. No interview required, just show up at 7 am and start work. The money was good, and I thought what the hell…it would give me something to occupy my time while I'm waiting for "the next big thing."

After everything was set up and confirmed, the recruiter called me to say the client had changed their mind and decided to do it all in-house.


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