Well That Was Interesting

I had a video interview today. But it wasn't a live interview; it involved recording video responses to a canned set of interview questions.

And of course I royally screwed up the first attempt. For each question you're given three opportunities to get it the way you want it before submitting. I wasn't happy with my response to the first question, so I set about re-recording it, only to have the second attempt be marred by my phone ringing. I said "Aw, fuck!" (while still on camera) and stopped recording to get up and silence the phone, only to return and discover the "Aw, fuck!" take had been auto-submitted.


I went ahead and completed the remaining questions and sent it off. I immediately called the recruiter and told him not to submit me and explained what had happend. "Would you like a do-over?"

Praise the baby Jeebus.

The second time went better—especially since I knew what all the questions were beforehand and could tweak my answers accordingly.

This whole job hunt is just getting weirder and weirder with each passing day. I hope that wherever I end up landing it's some place conducive to remaining until I retire (or at least until we leave this wretched city), so I don't have to go through this again any time soon.

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