So SO Close!
I found that if I don't use the pre-written prompt, I can come up with much better results from the Microsoft Image Creator...
While still not perfect (I can't get it to do just a goatee), and the turntable is backward, I do like the overall result. This is the best out of about a dozen or so that I ran.
365 Days of UNF: Day 358
365 Days of UNF: Day 342
At Least Until The Real Photos Come Out…
Gay Art AI
Happy Halloween!
Everything is Interconnected
Memories of My Commutes on the SF MUNI
Oh Snap!
365 Days of UNF: Day 192
More AI Generated Fun
Calling Major Tom Mark:
A young Voenix:
On the whole, I think these came out better than the last batch.
The Influential as Homeless
Sadly, These Are Only AI Generated…
As George Takei Would Say, "Oh My~~~~~y!
365 Days of UNF: Day 78
I Present to You
Mistress Willhelmina Lee von Fuckstick, the dishonorable Governor of Tennessee:
Damn, she's an ugly bitch.
I am becoming more convinced than ever that AI sees our true essence, because nowhere did I use the word "clown" in generating these images.
I simply instructed Lisa, "Tennessee Governnor Bill Lee in Drag."
Playing with AI
I have to start off by saying I find AI generated art…disturbing…and yet fascinating.
I started playing with LISA AI last night. At the time I only had a few photos of myself on my phone and the results were… disappointing.
I mean, this guy is hot. As the kids say, "I'd hit it." But accurate based on the photos I put into the system? Not even close. Even though the photos I used were current, apparently the AI thought I was in my 20s (bless it's digitized heart). I mean, IÂ wish I looked this good when I was in my 20s. How, exactly, the AI came up with these based on the photos I put in is a mystery. I do, however, love the blue/purple hair. I'd do that now if I still had any hair to do it with.
This is probably the one that looks most like me of the 50 it generated.
So this morning I decided to explore further. I copied a bunch of other photos onto my phone and uploaded them. I also discovered I could select different styles, and I have to say, me likey. This particular style was called "oil painting:"
And of course, the obligatory "Astronaut:"
Modern Art
Sid Henderson, Tongue in Cheek
Just Because
"Don't Worry About It"
"The Future"
AI Variations on a Theme
I don't think we need to worry about robot overlords just yet, but I may have to revise that assessment in a decade or so.
I uploaded this photo of Myrtle Snow (played by the fabulous Frances Conroy) from AHS: Coven into the DALL・E 2 AI System website and asked it to generate variations.
These are what it came up with:
And here's my default wallpaper image:
And the variations DALL・E 2 came up with:
You can also type in descriptions of what you'd like to see and it will generate an image.
A photo of a blue fish riding a yellow bicycle against an orange background digital art:
A stegosaurus crossing the Atlantic:
It's fun. It requires registration, but it's totally free to use.