Sums It Up Nicely

This sums up the shittiness that is Florida and its governor.


I truly do not get Desantis' end game with this. How does all of this not hurt his state's economy? I mean, I suppose he hopes the less affluent populations perish, as they weren't going to vote for him in the first place…but then who is going to clean all the Kentucky Taco Hut bathrooms – should the people who he thinks are the spreaders of the disease – once they call kick the bucket?

I mean, I suppose they don't call the state "God's waiting room" for nothing.


Every Damn Time One of Those Seditious Republikkkans Either Denies or Downplays January 6th I Think…

Every damn time one of those seditious Republikkkans either denies or downplays January 6th I think about jackasses like Oswald Mosley, George Lincoln Rockwell, Richard Girnt Nutler, Matt Koehl and Gerhard Wilhelm Kunze. And now you have to do your own research to learn who they are because no one wants to remind us that there have always been Nazis among us.

Maybe if we were taught REAL history it wouldn't be repeating itself.