Sure, Jan
Parental Warning
A Story in 8 Panels
I'm Going to Hell
That'll Do It!
If Your Asshole Looks Like That…
? ? ?
Looks Like It Really Is The Happiest Place on Earth!
Another Fictional God We're Still Waiting To Appear…
That Was Not My First Thought Upon Seeing This
The More You Know
Well Now You Know!
A Little Humor from 9-1-1
While nothing would please me more than if Buck and Eddie came out as boyfriends (I'm not the only one who's gotten that vibe from these characters, but again, maybe it's just personal projection because I want to see them together), teh ghey is already fully represented in the show by the characters Hen and Karen, and I'm fine with that.
I don't mind them being shipped by the fandom, and I think these are brilliant:
A Little Architectural Joke
The Perfect Christmas Gift for Your Trump-Loving Associates
Quote of the Day
If Donald really wanted Hillary Clinton locked up, he would have hired her to be one of his attorneys." ~ Mrs. Betty Bowers