Just The Tip
Before and After
Oh Jensen…
If only…
Dirk, Just Look Busy
"Okay, Dirk, just look busy. Look like you're working, just in case. Just lightly tap the keys. Don't press anything, don't flip any switches. Just be cool, Dirk. You've got this. Morgan will be in soon and she won't let you blow anything up."
Always Worth Reposting
Because I think we could all use a laugh.
A Little Yoke
Pretty sure that both Jehovah and Satan are scratching their heads, giving puzzled looks to each other at this point.
Jehovah: Are you sure he's not one of yours? Because I didn't make him.
Satan: Puleeze, gurl. Give me some credit. Even I have standards.
Jehovah: Buddha? Brahma?
*Both shrug their shoulders*
Satan: Gaia?
Gaia: *glowers*
Satan: Right, right. Sorry. Forgot about the "pussy grabbing" thing.
Jehovah: Cthulhu?
Cthulhu: What kind of monster do you take me for? *sips tea*
Satan: Well somebody cooked him up!
Flying Spaghetti Monster: …
Jehovah: Wait…there is no way you could…
Flying Spaghetti Monster: Look, it was my first time. I was a little drunk and someone asked for a "Tangerine Dream" so I thought…
Satan: *facepalms* Fucking newbies!
Imagine My Disappointment
When I learned that Denver's Black Arts Festival had nothing to do with Harry Potter. Damn Muggles!
Submitted Without Comment
I'm Tempted To Try This…
Donald Duck: Subverting The Youth Of America Since 1934
There Are No Aliens
Juxtapositions Can Be Funny
Sometimes Grids creates some very funny juxtapositions in my feed:
If You're Not Watching American Gods…
…you won't get this, but trust me…it's brilliant!
What's Not To Like?
Selling Point
Caption This
Technically Correct
Caption This
"Jan, that's amazing! You should be in porn! I've never seen anyone…"
B.D. = Before Dogs
Boys Will Be Boys
Caption This
"Do you think I should take the rubber bands off?"
This Deserves An Award
Juxtapositioning is fun.
Some Much Needed Comic Relief
If You're On Twitter…
…you need to follow @IfHillaryHad. I guarantee it will snap you out of the deep depression that gripped you in November (let's face it, if you're reading my blog you know what I'm talking about) and became acute over the last fourteen days. Humor is the best medicine!