The Best Use of AI I've Seen So Far
A.M. Jacaranda: [The] Black Toilet Paper
Finally They're Both Happy
Ever Wonder Where Those Memes Came From?
Reposted From 2016
Let's see if any of my answers have changed…
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Open. Closed.
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? Depends on the product.
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Out. In at the foot, out elsewhere.
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No.
5: Do you like to use post-it notes? At work, constantly.
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? Constantly. Nope.
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
8: Do you have freckles? No.
9: Do you always smile for pictures? Sometimes.
10: What is your biggest pet peeve? Willful ignorance.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Yes.
12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Yes.
13: What about pooped in the woods? Yes.
14: Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing? No.
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? Yes.
16: How many people have you slept with this week? Just one, but then again, I sleep with him every night.
17: What size is your bed? Queen. King.
18: What is your Song of the week? I've had the slowed down version of Jolene as an earworm man times this week. Don't really have one. I'm all over the spectrum these days.
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yes.
20: Do you still watch cartoons? Who, me? Not really.
21: Whats your least favorite movie? Least favorite? As in on the list of your top 10 movies, what's on the bottom of the list?
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Sadly, that's a question I'll never have to worry about.
23: If you're a girl, bra size? If you're a guy, pants size? 38
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Ranch dressing.
25: What is your favorite food? Mexican. Bring on those Taco Trucks next Tuesday!
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Personal Services, Auntie Mame, The Fifth Element.
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? My husband.
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Yes.
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Not now.
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? Last Christmas. 2016?
31: Can you change the oil on a car? Yes.
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? No.
33: Ever ran out of gas? No.
34: Favorite kind of sandwich? Chicken salad. Tuna salad.
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? Scrambled eggs. Eggs over medium.
36: What is your usual bedtime? 10-ish.
37: Are you lazy? Not as lazy as I'd like to be.
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? The three I remember are a devil, an astronaut, and a dragon.
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? Dog.
40: Are you horny? Not like I was when I was in my 30s.
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? No.
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Legos.
43: Are you stubborn? I can be.
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman? They both need to retire. Are they still alive?
45: Ever watch soap operas? No.
46: Are you afraid of heights? It all depends on the situation.
47: Do you sing in the car? After a fashion.
48: Do you sing in the shower? No.
49: Do you dance in the car? Yes. No.
50: Ever used a gun? No.
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? 1981.
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy? No.
53: Is Christmas stressful? Yes.
54: Ever eat a pierogi? Yes.
55: Favorite type of fruit pie? Blueberry.
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Architect, Astronomer
57: Do you believe in ghosts? Once upon a time. Not any more.
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yes.
59: Take a vitamin daily? No.
60: Wear slippers? No, but I really need to in this house.
61: Wear a bath robe? Not for years.
62: What do you wear to bed? T-shirt and underwear.
63: First concert? I think it was Captain & Tenille.
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target.
65: Nike or Adidas? None of the above.
66: Cheetos Or Fritos? Yes, please.
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower seeds, shelled.
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? No.
69: Ever take dance lessons? No.
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? How about my spouse. He's a teacher. School administrator.
71: Can you curl your tongue? Yes.
72: Ever won a spelling bee? Came in 2nd once.
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes, when I learned the radiation treatments had been successful.
74: Own any record albums? A few.
75: Own a record player? Yes.
76: Regularly burn incense? No.
77: Ever been in love? Yes, and I still am.
78: Who would you like to see in concert? I wish I'd been able to see Donna Summer. She was supposed to come to Phoenix during the summer of 1979 at the height of her popularity—and I even had tickets—and she canceled for health reasons. Kraftwerk.
79: What was the last concert you saw? Bette Midler.
80: Hot tea or cold tea? Cold tea.
81: Tea or coffee? Tea. Coffee.
82: Sugar cookies or snickerdoodles? Snickerdoodles.
83: Can you swim well? Reasonably.
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes.
85: Are you patient? To a point.
86: DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ.
87: Ever won a contest? Yes.
88: Ever have plastic surgery? No.
89: Which are better, black or green olives? Black.
90: Can you knit or crochet? No.
91: Best room for a fireplace? The Living Room.
92: Do you want to get married? I am married.
93: If married, how long have you been married? 3 years. 10 years.
94: Who was your HS crush? Which year? Tom Pleger, Mike Knigge, or Dan Baxa?
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? No.
96: Do you have kids? No.
97: Do you want kids? No.
98: Whats your favorite color? Teal.
99: Do you miss anyone right now? Yes, but missing will not bring him back from the dead. Yes, I miss a lot of someones, but missing them will not bring them back from the dead.
My Stuff – Tech, Home, and Clothing Edition
Worth updating from a few years ago because oh my…how the world has changed since 2018! (Although surprisingly, most of my responses have not!)
Favorite App – (iPhone) Instagram (Mac) Grids
Last Person Texted? – Ben
Favorite Podcast? – I don't seem to have time for Podcasts any more.
Favorite Web Sites – To be honest, I get most of my online material via RSS and only rarely go directly to websites. But when I do, Joe.My.God, The Palmer Report, and any number of Reddit and Tumblr sites are my destination—for the articles, bitches!
Thoughts on Social Media – With the exception of Instagram (and even that is becoming more and more questionable with each passing day), it all needs to die in a house fire.
On Your Music Playlist – Which playlist?
On Your Workout Playlist – What's this "workout" you speak of?
Album You Could Listen to On Repeat – Pretty much any of Grace Jones' albums. She never gets tired.
Favorite Person to Follow On Twitter – Gave up on that cesspool the moment Musk took over.
Favorite News Source – Hmmm….can't say I have a favorite. I get it from many sources these days.
Which app do you use the most? – Instagram.
Favorite coffee shop? – These days I'm torn between Black Rock and The Human Bean. Unfortunately neither one has a store convenient to my commute, so on those days I default to Starbucks.
Favorite piece of furniture? – My big comfy blue fabric Living Spaces chair
Do you wear shoes inside your home? – Yes
Favorite drink? – iced vanilla breve
Favorite piece you collected while traveling? – A very simple blue and white glazed vase I picked up in Portland.
Favorite family heirloom – an antique paper-thickness measuring device owned by my grandfather (he was a paper maker)
What's on your reading list? – I haven't been able to make it through a book in years, but after watching Silo on AppleTV+, I want to read the series.
Can't leave the home without? – Like most of the rest of the world, my phone.
Most recent purchase? – A multicolor pride shirt.
Silk or terry-cloth robe? – Neither.
Favorite pajamas? – Who wears pajamas?
The piece you love but never wear? – I have many pieces of hopelessly out-of-style clothing that I can't seem to part with.
Favorite fashion trend of all time? – Jeans in the workplace.
Go-to bag for the day? – my grey tweed Timbuktu messenger bag
Sneakers or dress shoes? – sneakers
Biggest fashion faux pas? – white 501 jeans
Favorite watch? – Apple Watch Ultra
Favorite piece of jewelry? – my wedding ring
Favorite designers? – don't care about designers
Go-to outfit? – jeans, polo shirt, sneakers
Hello Captain Obvious
A Story in 8 Panels
Looks About Right
The Latest Addition to My Computer Bag
I Want Five Guys
Tell Me He's Not The Antichrist
A Repost
As I am wont to do on occasion…
I come up with some really weird shit when I'm laying in bed, wide awake at 2 am and can't get back to sleep; shit that sounds amazing at the time but when I actually get around to putting it down for posterity the next day it doesn't seem quite as amazing as I'd thought it would. (This leads me to believe that perhaps I wasn't quite as awake as I thought I was.)
Case in point, this little meme. I don't know if it's really a meme if I'm only one doing it, but the idea came to me last night when my usually fool-proof method of forcing myself back to sleep—counting backward from some arbitrarily high number—utterly failed me.
It works like this: starting from the current year, assign a few words, a phrase, or a picture that best describes that year to you and work backwards as far as you want.
Mine goes like this (updated for this post):
2022: Insurrection. Return to the non-functional "normal."
2021: New beginnings…and saying goodbye to a furry friend.
2020: Lockdown. Fire. My sense of security destroyed. Removal of the orange menace.
2019: Hired full time. "I'm a real boy now!" Benefits!
Thinking outside the box is strongly discouraged at ADOT, but the arrow finally found its mark. Return of the Quirky. Revisiting the ghosts of Solano Drive.
Gub'mint work. Disaster strikes; Touchbar woes.
Underemployed and overextended. Fear of a Cheeto planet.
Back to Phoenix.
Done with Denver. DISH: a feculent vat of toxic hellstew.
Marriage to Ben, Dad's passing.
Exploring Colorado. Devil's Tower. Mt. Rushmore
Denver! (What have we done?)
Ben's Graduation
Mom's passing. Road trip to Wisconsin. Mac!
Anderson, Yellowstone
Never leave home without your camera.
Full time employment returns!
Return to Phoenix. Living with Dad.
9/11 and the surreal beginning to where we currently find ourselves in this country.
Foggy early morning, walking down Market Street on January 1st to go to work to make sure that our interconnected world hadn't blown up at midnight and thinking, "So this is what the year 2000 looks like. We were lied to."
Realizing I'd become the very thing I swore I never would when I originally arrived in San Francisco in 1986: a jaded old queen living up on the hill.
Back to Phoenix. Turning 40 and living with Mom; later, returning to Oz again.
Redeeming my life at 33 rpm
Return to Oz. Employment hell. Yosemite and Mono Lake. Dragon Lady Productions
Leaving San Francisco. Tucson and the Emmett Higgen affair.
Jezebel, the car from Hell.
Hell on Fell.
The Rory Hansen Affair.
Dennis's passing.
14th & Church
The Earth shook.
The Michael Rose Affair
My first apartment in San Francisco. Kenny, Dave, Kevin.
Aliens (the movie). Breaking up with Bernie and moving into my own place. The black behemoth. Yamaha, finally! Ben Walzer. Arrival in Oz. "The City will chew you up and spit you out!"
Bernie, Kekku and the trip to San Francisco.
Nightmare Fuel
I Scored 8
The average American has only been to 5 of these places, how about you?
— John (@johnfelico) June 18, 2022
Because It's True
Spotted scrawled on a university bathroom stall back in 1995 (yes, I wrote it down):
"I love men. All kinds of men. I love the way men smell. I love the way they carry themselves. I love their hairy legs. I love seeing their jeans around their ankles, around sandals or athletic shoes. I love mustaches. I love the gleam in the eye of a man when he's consumed with passion. I love a man's nipples; his pecs; his chest. I love the bush of hair at his crotch and the rivulet that runs up to his belly button. I love them naked and I love them dressed; I love them wearing a shirt unbuttoned to the waist, exposing the carpet of hair. I love men's biceps; their tattoos and their 3-day beard stubble. I love the hair and the smell of man's armpit. I love the way a man's cock feels in your hand, how it grows from flaccid to erect with merely a touch. I love foreskin, the way it slides over the cockhead. I love the way men kiss. I love men's balls and their butts. I love their calves and their thighs as they sit, spreadeagle on a toilet, offering you their hard, dripping cock. I love dog-tags and pierced tits—baseball caps on 25-year old cleanshaven buzzcut college studs driving jeeps, their tan, hairy legs spread wide in shorts. I love big daddy bears, their hairy chests criss-crossed by black leather harnesses. Cocksucking. Jacking Off. Titplay. Bondage. Transcendental male fuck-play."