Shower Thoughts

No matter how advanced camera phones become, people will always manage to take terrible pictures when selling stuff on eBay/marketplace.


Everyone has tried to move something with their mind at least once in their lives.

C'mon…admit it.

It's like we know instinctively we should be able to do this; like it's written there in our software, but it's as if the hardware wasn't enabled.

Shower Thoughts

When you're young, being at home is depressing and driving your car feels like freedom. When you're older, commuting to work is depressing and staying home all day with nothing to do feels like freedom.

Shower Thoughts

50 years ago people were pretty excited at the thought of being able to see someone while talking on the phone. Now that we can do that, most of us would rather just essentially telegraph each other.

Shower Thoughts

Someday your children and grandchildren are going to walk into your outdated "grandparent" house, with its 4K flat screen, hardwood floors, and stainless steel appliances, and think you're a loser.

Shower Thoughts

No one had any choice in being born, no one really knows why we're here, and no one knows what happens after we die. The sheer amount of bullshitters who claim otherwise is astonishing.

Shower Thoughts

Most people are more interested in the daily life of celebrities than in science, and that shows how doomed humanity is.

Shower Thoughts

Humans get very sad when their pet dies, but pets probably get much sadder when their humans die because they've grown up and lived their whole life with that human.

Shower Thoughts

You know you're getting old when you're more worried of the property damage in superhero movies than impressed by the heroes' actual feats.

Shower Thoughts

If you buy a product, you shouldn't have to see an online advertisement for that product ever again.

Don't tell me they can't do this.

Shower Thoughts

We get away with eating cake for breakfast by calling it a muffin.

(As if anyone needs to "get away" with eating cake for breakfast. We're all adults here. If I want to eat cake, or pie, or sushi for breakfast, I goddamned will!)

Shower Thoughts

The fact that billionaires have pledged over 600 million dollars in under 24 hours to help fix the Norte Dame landmark really puts into perspective how easily the insanely rich could help solve world problems if they cared to.

Shower Thoughts

If a stranger asks you what time it is, it's kind of annoying. If a stranger asks you what year it is, it's mildly concerning. If a stranger asks you what century it is, it's extremely exciting.