RIP United States, 1776-2016

Considering all the other luminaries 2016 has taken from us, it's not surprising that the United States itself just joined their ranks.

Well, Redneck America, I hope you're happy.

You sure showed them gol-durn Northeast elites and Hollywood liberals a thing or two, didn't ya?

Because of your abject hatred of Hillary Clinton, instead of electing an admittedly flawed, but competent, intelligent, politically savvy woman who genuinely cares about the people of this country to the office of President, you just handed the most powerful position in the world to an orange-faced narcissistic sociopath with the temperament of a 4-year old who cares about one thing and one thing only—himself.  And by proxy to his anticipated advisors, a Short Bus of Deplorables who are openly at odds with pretty much every progressive ideal the majority of Americans hold dear—who will not only undo Obama's own amazing accomplishments, but set the country back fifty years—if not more.

And by the way, none of them gives a rat's ass about any of you beyond being the useful tools that you were.

You have sent worldwide stock markets crashing, and have given the entire planet an anxiety attack that may never wear off. And thanks to you, I have a reasonably good idea of what the average German was feeling in 1933.

"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

You have all but guaranteed an ultra-conservative Supreme Court for your—and your childrens'—lifetimes. But gol-durnit, no one's gonna be takin' your guns away now, are they? That'll show 'em!

But based on Trump's (and his anticipated advisors') own statements,  what will be taken away?

A Woman's Right To Choose? Gone.
Combating Climate Change? Gone.*
Voting Rights? Gone.
NATO? Gone
GBLT Rights? Gone.
The First Amendment? On life support if not gone.
Our standing in the world? Gone to HELL.

And you have given THE NUCLEAR LAUNCH CODES to the man ("We have nukes. Why can't we use them?") who had to have his TWITTER account taken away from him.

And Evangelical Christians: you just help elect your own textbook description of the AntiChrist…and you weren't raptured before he came to power. That means you're all going through The Tribulation with the rest of us. Where is your god now?

It's bad enough that Trump was elected President. What's even worse is that we (Democrats, Progressives, Liberals) failed to flip the Senate or the House. That means—coupled with his expected nomination of a far right wing conservative Supreme Court judge—Trump will get whatever he wants unless cooler Republican heads in the Senate give him a time out in the corner—something I'm not entirely sure will happen. Or they could impeach him outright if his transgressions get too egregious and put the country in mortal danger—but then we'd be stuck with President Pence, who has absolutely no love for the LGBT community. Out of the frying pan, into the fire—literally.

At this point I'm depressed, angry, and thoroughly disgusted with my fellow Americans who elected this wannabe dictator to the highest office in the land because apparently Hillary's emails were more important than allegations of serial rape, financial malfeasance and ties to Putin. But as others have already said, we need to stay strong, regroup, and hopefully flip the Senate in 2018.

But that's a long two years, and if some foreign power disrespects the Donald, I'm not even sure we'll be alive by then.

*Probably not a bad thing since we'll finally be rid of the national embarrassment that is Florida.

2 Replies to “RIP United States, 1776-2016”

  1. WTF is wrong with this country? Here in liberal MN, the fucking repugs just got the majority in both houses of the legislature.

  2. I'm wondering how long before he decides to use a nuclear bomb against someone who insults him.

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