Ten Years Ago

Ten years ago today, after a nearly a month of exchanging emails trying to set up a date to meet, Ben and I—on very short notice—finally connected in person at Starbucks on that warm Sunday afternoon.

And the rest as they say, is history.

And believe me, meeting such a wonderful, caring man at 50 was the absolute last thing I had been expecting. But then, most of my life since somewhere around the year 2000 had not been what I'd been expecting.

It's been ten years of adventures, both good and—stressful. And as I sit here and look through our Instagrams, I am reminded how wonderful it's all been.

This year was one of those "landmark" years and we had such plans for celebrating (I seem to remember a trip out of the country being discussed at one point) . I was turning 60. Ben was turning 35. We've known each other ten years, and in a few short days from now we'll be celebrating 5 years married. But life has intervened—as it is increasingly wont to do these days. So instead of jetting off somewhere, tonight Ben fixed a delicious steak dinner for us and afterward returned to the scene of the crime…

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