One Year From Today

Assuming the Orange Shit Show currently illegally occupying the White House has not been Impeached and removed from office, dragged off in a straightjacket, or has ended all life on Earth by starting World War III, this country will finally have the opportunity to correct what is unarguably the worst mistake made in its 200-plus year history.

While I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here, I cannot stress enough how important that every Democrat and Independent GET OUT AND VOTE. And vote for whoever the fuck has that (D) after their name on the ballot.

While apparently 20% of our neighbors have no problem whatsoever with Nazis and Fascists occupying the upper echelon of government, 80% of us DO NOT, and as a majority, we need to put aside our petty philosophical differences, and send an unmistakable message to the world that as a country we do not condone the events of the last three years. They are NOT acceptable. They are NOT who we are.

While we may have had the luxury in years past of not voting for our candidate because he or she doesn't have the ideological purity we seek, we DO NOT have that option in the next election.

I loathe Bernie. I'm no fan of Biden. (I'm sick to death of old white men running this country.) But if either of those gentlemen secure the Democratic nomination I will pull the lever for them next November. If your desired candidate does not secure the nomination, buck up, hold your hose, and vote BLUE, because—and I don't think I'm being hyperbolic here—if the Orange Russian Wig Stand somehow survives Impeachment and goes on to win another term, you can kiss the United States goodbye.

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