And I'm okay with that.
It was written a couple thousand years ago that "The meek shall inherit the earth." If you think about it, who are the meek ones? The scientists, the "brainiacs" who sat quietly at the back of the class yet aced every test they were give. The smart ones; not the gun-toting, statehouse-storming Neanderthals wasting oxygen to throw their tantrums.
All the rest of us can do is try and protect ourselves as much as possible, continue to wear masks, practice social distancing and avoid the type of demonstrably selfish, stupid crowds of people like the photo above when we have to be outside of our homes.
Look, I want to sit in a Starbucks, actually eat in a restaurant, and visit with my friends in person. But I also want to see the Republican party utterly and completely destroyed and that orange shit stain on humanity dragged from the White House in January and thrown into prison or strung up, whichever comes first—not to mention see the beginning of the new world we will grow from the rubble left in his wake, and the only way that's going to happen is if I stay safe.
A good friend of mine posted on facebook the other day… "America got bored and decided the pandemic was done." And I think this is exactly the mentality that a certain group of people have. This is what we're seeing. I was in the grocery store for 10 minutes last night and it was enough to make me want to run screaming for the hills. I think the 2nd wave of Covid-19 is going to be every bit as bad if not worse than the first…