I Can't Believe I'm Having To Do This, But…

…if you get this unsolicited text (or something similar claiming to be from your carrier), do your due diligence and DO NOT CLICK on the link.

It sounded all very fishy to me when I received this (we don't even pay $200 a month in cell phone bills), and the link address looked hinky to me, so I went to the Verizon website and got in touch with a customer service rep.

She confirmed that it was a scam and thanked me for reporting it.

I hammer this stuff into my users every damn day. If something sounds too good to be true (like nixie tube clocks for $20) most likely it is, so don't go blindly clicking on links no matter who they seem to come from. Especially if they want personal information and you did not initiate the call/text/email.

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