Peace Out

Ray Bradbury, 1920-2012

Thank you Mr. Bradbury, for taking my gaze outward and upward when I was but a wee young thing. From The Martian Chronicles to The Illustrated Man to Farenheit 451 to I Sing the Body Electric and countless others, you had a profound influence on my life and will not be forgotten.

One Reply to “Peace Out”

  1. I'm a little bummed as well. He's on my list of top writers, but that's not why I am commenting. Whenever someone said "Ray Bradbury" my mind always brought up the picture of him that was on the dust jacket of an anthology printed in the 80's that I read over and over again. He was definitely in his Phil Donohue years by then. In short, thanks for digging up a picture of him as a young (and sexy) man. I'll update my mental rolodex accordingly.

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