It's the Hypocrisy, Stupid!

If Obama had hidden millions of dollars in offshore accounts and refused to provide any explanation the way Romney has, Republicans would be calling for his head on a pike. But with one of their own? All you hear are crickets chirping.

One again, Republican HYPOCRISY rears it's ugly, ugly head.

2 Replies to “It's the Hypocrisy, Stupid!”

  1. Agreed. And the calls from the right for Romney to release his returns has happened since I published this post, so maybe there are still some adults in the Republican party.

  2. Actually, the surprising thing is the chorus of voices on the right saying that Romney's being an idiot and should release at least 10 years of tax returns. That's not to say there aren't plenty of hypocrites there, but at least on this issue there are a few less of them.

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