Preach, Sister!

From Lady Bunny on Instagram:

Former Dem presidential candidate Marianne Williamson on Twitter making the simple point that politicians should do things people like. Democrats campaigned on all she mentioned, yet after one year of controlling the White House, the House and the Senate, they've achieved none of them. It shouldn't be necessary to point out that politicians should do what voters want to do because they (allegedly) represent us, but it is. For too many Democrats, simply bashing Trump and the GOP is considered better politics than doing what you campaigned on. Many of you will excuse Democrats' inaction by claiming that the issue blocking Dems' agenda is Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema. It's not. These conservative Dems have more in common with Biden and Pelosi/Schumer than they do Bernie/AOC. Biden and Pelosi unlinked the infrastructure bill with Build Back Better social spending bill, ensuring it's failure. And Biden was pushed by those saying he could work well with the GOP. Yet he can't even work with Republican lites like Manchin and Sinema in his own party.

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