Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

I can't take much more of this election bullshit.

You can't watch a YouTube video without first being assaulted by either Romney or Obama telling you how horrible the other one is. While I agree with Obama and will be voting for him, I can't tell you how many times I've just closed my browser rather than sit through another minute of this crap. No video in the world is worth it.

And television? I guess by living in one of the "battleground" (Why is everything steeped in war terminology?) states, I can pretty much forget about seeing any sort of ad for the next three and a half weeks that doesn't involve one candidate or another calling the other one the Antichrist—and in the case of the Republicans—just spewing outright lies. "Let's just throw out this shit and see what sticks."

You're right, Mr. Romney, I'm one of the 47% who will never vote for you, or any of your downstream cronies. The Republican party is toxic waste, full of aging racist bigots who will say or do anything for no other reason than to simply "get that Nigger out of the White House."

I'm not thrilled with Obama, but the alternative is just too horrific to contemplate. Can you imagine the mess this country would be in right now if McCain got elected? With Sarah Palin in tow? Sarah. Fucking. Palin. A Romney/Ryan win would all but guarantee a similar—if not worse—scenario. Can you say "Endless War?"

At this point, if a Republican announces that he or she is against anything, I'm voting for it because you know whatever it is, it has the potential for hurting the their corporate masters—otherwise they wouldn't be whining.

And while we're on the subject Mittens, just because you got a little bump in the polls after the debate and the Reich Wing are orgasming their panties into a frothy mix over it doesn't mean the missus should go measuring for drapes just yet.

I'm sure there are people on the other side of aisle (i.e. willfully low-information voters who are immune to basic reality and too lazy to research anything beyond what Faux News tells them) who feel the same way about Obama and the Democrats. That leaves the mythic "middle ground" voters that the two parties are trying to woo.

I call bullshit. If you're in the "middle" and at this point still haven't made up your mind who you're voting for, you have no business going anywhere near a voting booth and should instead simply stay home November 6th and try to decide what color socks you're going to wear that day, because you're an idiot.


5 Replies to “Dear Diary”

  1. I just can't imagine how utterly stupid people must be to suddenly change your mind based on a single debate.

  2. I could not agree more with you buddy! When you said "The Republican party is toxic waste, full of aging racist bigots who will say or do anything for no other reason than to simply "get that Nigger out of the White House."…the only ray of hope I see is that, and not soon enough, they will be mostly dying off or too senile to do any more damage and we can hopefully get on with bringing this nation into the new millenium. Because for the last 12 years those idiots have been holding us back and are trying to pull a "Cher" and turn back time. Between 8 years of Bush and the stall and block attitude for the last 4, we need to let them know that we are DONE. We cannot let them win. That is the only reason I keep the TV on anymore, to remind me and others that we MUST fight thru to November 6th. We MUST destroy the GOP and make it a landslide, if only to let them really know we have had ENOUGH!

    1. My big fault with Obama is he wants everyone to like him and let the first 2 years go by without being tough after the first "no." He had congress and could have gotten more done, I believe. BUT, that would never stop me from voting for him again. Twitt Robme and his lying cohort are beyond human. Just the notion that a lot of votes will go their way makes me feel our country has no chance and we will be sputtering along for a while and then become a 4th world nation.

      1. To be fair, he had a supermajority in the Senate for like ten seconds, what with Ted Kennedy getting sick and dying, Al Franken getting seated late, and crapbaskets like Joe Lieberman (douche).

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