From the Analog Archives – San Francisco and Environs in the Late 1980s

Point Bonita Lighthouse
Downtown SF from the Sausalito Ferry
Downtown San Francisco from Twin Peaks
Castro Street looking south from just north of Market
At the base of California Street
Somewhere in the Richmond District
The bridge from Golden Gate Beach
Downtown from the Golden Gate Bridge Visitor Center
Palace of the Legion of Honor
Golden Gate Beach looking north toward Marin

It's a sad commentary and a reminder that you've gotten old when your own photographs start looking like the shots you see in faded magazines.

And you may be wondering why I'm posting all these analog archives things. Well, I ran across a forgotten folder on my drive called "scans (to be sorted)" and it's full of scanned slides that I'd created when I had a slide scanner (well before the fire and never replaced) with the intent of swapping out the poorer-quality scans in my virtual photo albums that I'd made from photo prints. Obviously life sidetracked me.

So hell…why not post them?

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