And the Cylons Have a Plan

Seditious, treasonous pigs, all of them.

From AMERICAblog:

A little known video, before this weekend, has started to go viral as it shows how the House Republicans altered the US House standing rules on October 1, 2013 in order to ensure that the federal government would be shut down, and stay shut down.

It's pretty arcane stuff, but awfully important.

Basically, the House Republicans changed the House rules on October 1 to ensure that House members could not call up the Senate bill that would have kept the government open. Had the rules not been changed, any member, Democrat or Republican, could have called the Senate bill up, and there very likely may have been enough Democrats and Republicans to pass it and keep the government open.

So US House Speaker John Boehner, a Republican, changed the rules of the entire House of Representatives in order to ensure that the entire federal government be shut down in order to force the defunding of Obamacare.

Here's Democratic Cong. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, asking Republican Jason Chaffetz about the rule change:

Van Hollen: H. Res. 368 changed the standing rules of the House to take away from any member of the House the privilege of calling up the Senate bill to immediately reopen the government, is that right?

Chaffetz: It did change the operation of the standing rule.

It seems that Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, and their racist Tea Party brethren were protesting at the wrong building this weekend when they went to the White House to complain about the shutdown – a shutdown that Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz and the Tea Party supported and helped orchestrate.

And now we have the ultimate proof that the entire shutdown was the handiwork of the Tea Party controlled House Republicans. They wanted to ensure that even if the votes were there, no one would be able to reopen the government. Amazing.

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